Saturday, April 4, 2009

Such Great Heights

Ah, a brand new, virginal blog to spew the contents of my rambling mind on to a clean and unmarred screen. Blogging isn't something I am new to, but as my role as "naked chick on the web", I have had the odd request or two to begin something so that those who have interest could take a peer inside of my muddled mind and have some sort of insight as to what makes this girl tick. I toyed with the idea for sometime and eventually after appearing on a few other people's blogs (cheers for the free plugs folks!) I conceded and set this very thing up. It tickles me the proverbial bending of red and white to think that there are people out there who have found my pictures and have enjoyed them so much that they felt compelled to stick my naked arse up in their blog and say rather nice things. You can guarantee I will be tracking these folks down and leaving them gushing and blushing comments, for actually taking the time to smear my name and kitty across the web.

So what can you expect from this blog? Basically the meanderings of one who calls herself "Queen Geek", contemplations on anything and everything from the latest comic book to movie screen adaptation, random rants and trains of thought, opinions and ideals, reviews for my favourite things and of course, just the usually Honey styled ramblings.

Pull up a seat and get comfy, get to know the odd workings of my fevered little mind and be stunned at just how inherently geeky one small, chubby, naked woman can be.

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